Gaëlle Coppée
Gaëlle Coppée learned to juggle at the age of 10. Following her journalism studies she decided to become a juggler. In 2015 she trained at the FAAACJ (Fabrique Alternative et Autogérée aux Arts et à la Création Jonglage). She completed her training with a number of internships and encounters in juggling (Eric Longequel, Guillaume Martinet, Jorg Muller, Johan Swartvagher, Juliette Hulot, Jeanne Mordoj,…) and as a clown (Michel Dallaire, Christine Rossignol-Dallaire, Eric Blouet,…). She founded the company Scratch in 2013, along with six other Belgian jugglers. She co-wrote the group shows T.N.T (2013) and SPLIT (2017) with them. Following this she created Mousse (2020) as part of a duo with Denis Michiels. In 2021, the duo were joined by Tom Boccara and they began to work on Drache Nationale, a trio planned for 2023. Gaëlle Coppée pursues a research approach mainly centered on juggling and clown performances. During her career Gaëlle Coppée has had the opportunity to work as a performer with the company Nicanor de Elia in Copyleft +Guests, and with the Collectif Protocole in Périple 2021: invitée de Valentina Santori. In 2021,she won the SACD Création jonglée award. She joins the Collectif Petit Travers as a performer for the creation Nos matins intérieurs.